What makes a good leader?
My major thought on this one is honesty. People want honesty not holiness. Holiness is over rated, not as a spiritual concept but as a leadership characteristic. There has been a line of thought in the past that a leader can never appear weak or flawed that he has to stand out as an example of holiness. Now I know we can quote various verses on the subject. But a brief glimpse at any leadership in the bible reveals flawed weak leaders, in fact I am not sure how many senior teams would have elected David to be on their team, or Moses! Murderers, cowards, adulterers.
Who said? I heard someone say recently 'the Bible is simply the record opf the dialogue between God and man'. There are no value judgements, just the record!
how post modern
i like it
that all depends on your definition of holiness. holiness as a substitute word for faultlessness is not just unattainable, it is incorrect.
holiness meaning 'transparancy' is one of the most important qualities in a leader. God doesn't ask us to be faultless, He asks us to be transparant. david touched on it at the end of psalm 139 where he says, "search me, oh God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life".
every leader will always have faults. the enemy's greatest strenght is in secrets, where the light of what God says is not allowed. a true leader is an example of transparancy, and of how to let God into those places we'd rather not look at. no man is condemned by his weaknesses, but rather by what he does with those weaknesses.
...so i guess that in a round-about way i'm agreeing that honesty is one of the most important characteristics of a good leader, since transparancy requires honesty.
You have hit the nail on the head. transparency is the way forward always has been. Secrets are what hold us back. Thanks Sheena
dang! i spelled transparency wrong, didn't i. i'm lost without spellcheck.
thats okay sheena thanks for being transparent enough to admit your mistake.
spent a fair bit of time this last week discussing leaders and what the "profile" of a leader should be. i'm weary of the topic....to say the least. but your thoughts on it encourage me.
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