Friday, May 18, 2007


We have had our friends Rob and Sally over this week from the East London Boiler Room it's been so good, we have all been flat out getting the rooms ready and will have our grand opening on Tuesday.

Please go to Paul Buffs blog and leave a thank you in his comments as he has raised £1050 for all the bibles!! and everyone else who pressed the donate button has covered the computers!

Tracy was out on Wednesday with the rest of the team, they managed to help a 16 year old girl who was here on holiday back to her hotel where she was staying with her 16 year old boyfriend! She was so drunk she couldn't even do her trousers up after having been to the toilet, she also vomitted all over the hotel corridor. We feel very old here at times. When Tracy got home at 3am she had puke on her clothes and smelt lovely!!!!

I was out last night until 3am just wandering with the team connecting with workers and having a good time developing relationships. Got taken into one bar for a free drink by the manager which was great. Met a girl who had met the living room guys in Tenerife, everybody is really looking forward to the free internet. Becky prayed with one of the workers on the street about a tooth ache and another bar wants us to help them sort out their internet stuff.

This morning I got up at 7am to say goodbye to Rob and Sally and then I went to school for 9am to teach an alcohol awareness class to a group of 15 year olds, which was also fun. I got a new T-Shirt given to me this week which some of the kids thought was cool, am I really that insecure that i care that 15 year olds like my T-shirt? Probably...

I am now about to go to bed, it's noon and my eye balls have dried up, I feel a little shaky and my head is pounding.

Does anyone know anything about piles? I think I have got them, my bottom is really sore, is that to much information?


alamedero said...

More than enough info there...


Mark Robins said...

Most pain I've ever had, Brian :-(
Do they have Doctors in Ibiza?

Tanya Heasley said...

Push them back up!!!

Or if that's too gross, have a pretty hot bath and lay there for a while. The hot water shrinks the blood vessels.

Anonymous said...

Yeha Brian that's possibly a bit to much info. There was a program about that on TV last night which I was strangly glued to! It can be a big issue so get it checked out.

What I really wanted to say was how things have moved so fast! It's amazing watching God at work and I can see what a massive step forward this stuff is going to be for this year!! Can wait to get out there and get on with loving, serving and being!

Aslo, and finally, if ya want to read my blog (doubtful) then it's now by invitation only due to a personal crackdown on information issues ATM.

Cheers Brian, keep it up mate!

Jenelle said...

Yes, take a hot bath.

We want to see the t-shirt that made you 15-year old cool.

Anonymous said...

Mimosa said...

*lucky English is my second language and have no clue what piles are* :-)

Jenelle said...

I was just talking about your piles with my Ma in our kitchen. We're Italian. We talk about everything in the kitchen.

"Ma, why do Brits call 'hemorrhoids'?"

She's a gastro-something-intero- specialist nurse, so I thought I'd relay what her pile-advice is. She said take warm, soapy baths with the mildest soap possible (Ivory Dish Soap is the best, oddly enough), 20 minutes per day, and you'll shrink the dirty buggers.

She said a lot more, but I'm overstaying my welcome, for sure.

Jenelle said...

"Ma, why do Brits call 'hemorrhoids' PILES'"? is what I meant...

Mark Robins said...

Middle English piles, from Medieval Latin pili, from Latin pila, ball. I thank you, I thank you :-)

Dratt said...

Sometimes I don't know whether to laugh or cry! Anusol cream works for me. I'm too embarrassed to pray for the problem, usually.

Mark Robins said...

A Doctor has told me that hot baths are a BAD idea - heat will dilate the blood vessles even more. You should take a luke warm bath, that should shrink them, then painkillers and push them back up. Hurts like jiggery. Anusol suppository next and lie down for a while.

Brian said...

thanks everyone for the advice, the links were great! Jenelle thanks for talking to your mum I am glad that my rectum has been discussed openly on the web and in homes. Duncan I got some anusol it worked a treat, I'll have a luke warm bath tomorrow, thanks mark, our baths are really small we normally have showers, but i'll give it a go. Pushing them back up seems wierd as they don't feel like they are hanging down, but hey in for a penny in for a pound, I'll give it a go. If that all doesn't work I'll see a doctor when I am back in England in June, it's not a conversation I think I can do in Spanish. Cheers guys.

Kingdom Shifts said...

Brian, I'm sorry to hear about your piles! After reading through what others wrote, I now know what they are - and, yes, I've had them too. I used to workout extensively and the "piles" would be quite frequent. Without question, it was the worst pain I've ever had in my life. It makes me shudder just thinking about it. Thank you for bearing your...uh...heart in this matter since it helps me to also be more transparent!!! *grin* Bless you brother!