Monday, September 24, 2007

Moving on

I've been trying to engage a bit with the story of Joshua.

What must it have been like after 40 years in tents to move into houses?

After all that time with manna from heaven, then you have to grow your own food?

Change, growth, moving to a new place can throw up challenges.

Sometimes we don't want the thing that we have been craving for years when we finally reach it, it means we have to leave our tents and manna behind.

I remember having a brief flicker of this in prison, thinking after only a short time, "I could get used to this" in fact I know a few longer term cons, who struggle to reintegrate into society because they have become so used to prison life and prison routines. They spent many years wanting to be free but when it comes to it, it's a big step and not as easy as it looks.

I sometimes even wonder whether people really want to deal with there problems, can you enjoy having a problem?

There is one school of thought that says when something bad happens to a child you shouldn't over do the attention, because they could become conditioned to think that the time they get the most attention is when bad things are happening in their life. Therefore they stay in the problem.

I have met adults like this, they want to live with the problem, because of the attention they get.

Anyway just thoughts


Nico Fell said...

I have friends who love to tell you their problems, all the drama of it and the difficulty it is causing them. They aren't looking for solutions, they just love to tell you. Normally it is nothing major but gets blown out of all proportion for dramatic effect as it garners great attention.

I am so bored of these people (bad, I know) but I am more than happy to listen and give advice if asked. When it is all for show though, I guess it's a bit like "crying wolf".

When people really have got big problems, they don't talk about them. Look at debt, abuse depression. These aren't the sort of things that people like to shout about at parties. My belief is when people are creating a fuss and telling you their "problems" it's all just a cry for attention because they are fairly needy.

I hope I haven't offended here but I do think we all know at least 1 person who is a bit of a drama queen.

It is the silent people with major issues that we need to be caring for in whatever way we can.

Anonymous said...

"Sometimes we don't want the thing that we have been craving for years when we finally reach it, it means we have to leave our tents and manna behind."

this is something I've been learning the last few days, its really not easy leaving the safety of the manna and the tents and starting new.
