The bibles are with the printers and should be ready within 6ish weeks!!! We are basically trying to sell half so that we can give the other half away for free. They cost £5.00 each, that doesn't include postage and package. At the moment I would only like to take orders for 20 plus so if you are in the position to buy 20 of these bibles or more I would love to hear from you.
Here's the blurb that we wrote for the back of the bible and I hope you like the front cover design?
Does Jesus Really love Ibiza?
Totally. We don’t know what you think about Jesus, but we do know that He loves this beautiful island and all who inhabit it. Jesus loves everyone, regardless of race, gender or social standing.
Following Jesus is a bit like dancing. The wrong things that we have done have put us out of step with God and left us in a mess that we can’t get out of by ourselves, but Jesus made a way to rescue us if we follow Him.
Following Him is about catching His rhythm and allowing your life to move to the rhythm of His beat! His dance is a dance of love, mercy, justice, forgiveness, selflessness and sacrifice. It’s a dance that leads us to repentance and relationship with God.
So what you have here is part of the bible that tells the story of Jesus; it communicates His rhythm. The author Eugene Peterson wanted to get the bible back to its roots, to the way we talk when we are not trying to sound religious. Whether you have been reading the bible for years or you’re exploring it for the first time, the Message will surprise you. In it you will read about the love revolution that inspired the women and men who first experienced it to dance to a different rhythm and change the world forever.
“Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly.” - Jesus
I love it!!!!! I really really want one! Can't wait till I can order one!
Whoever designed this is genius - beautful!!
Love the DiscoBall sun.
Wow, great cover and wonderful back text! Can we buy 20 and leave them with you to give away? :)
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