Friday, June 27, 2014


Wow it's been nearly a year since I last blogged and nearly two years since we left Ibiza. During that time I have been putting together a little book about our time in Ibiza.

The book is called Gatecrashing and you can get it here: Gatecrashing preorder

The first challenge was the title, it was very hard to come up with something that encapsulated our time in Ibiza, but in the end gatecrashing felt right.

The second challenge is to write a book about what we got up to without casting Ibiza in a bad light, we love Ibiza and the people who live there but we were involved in a lot of messy situations, but I feel we have a struck a balance.

The third thing was strap line, primarily this is a book about prayer and mission but it's part of the story of a movement who believe in prayer and mission. It is part of the story of 24-7 prayer in Ibiza not all of it!

The fourth challenge was writing a book on mission without people labelling it as an overseas mission book, I firmly believe we are called to mission, mission is part of our DNA it's what we do as christians, mission is a way of life not an activity we perform overseas.

They were just challenges I think we have struck the right balance with all of those things and hopefully produced a resource that will bless, inform and resource people.

Grab a copy and tell me what you think?

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