We were out last night, when two of the guys on the team found a young chap asleep beside a road, he was puking everywhere and in a total state. Just as we got to him two other guys on a moped pulled up, it was soon obvious that they were going to rob him, but because we were there it didn't happen. The guy gave one of our guys an ecstasy tablet and said "i don't want this anymore" as he did that the police came around the corner, they were very helpful and phoned an ambulance. I then became very conscious that one of the guys on our team was now carrying drugs! We could have gave it to the police but I didn't want to get the poor messed up guy in any more trouble. So we left him with the police and the ambulance and got out of there in the van.
I took the tablet and decided to throw it out the window of the van, but first I thought rather than someone finding it, that I would crunch it up in my fingers, as I did this it just turned into powder and small lumps and flew all over me and all over the drivers compartment of the van!
So when we stopped I found myself covered in white powder and the floor of the van had loads of particles all over it. As i wiped myself down with wet wipes and alcohol rub and we cleaned out the van, we were just laughing at how this was the most random thing. I never thought Christian mission work would involve wiping drugs off myself at 3 in the morning.
I found some more bits in the car this morning, mustn't take the dog out in it because he licks everything. The last thing I need is a pilled up dog!
thats funny brian.
hahaha, so funnee!
Great story Brian! Can't wait to see ya on Sunday! Tom the druggy :$
Ha, Tom on pills... I don't think I want to imagine it.
Hey, I picked up a copy of your "Writing on the Wall" yesterday... just gettin' into it.
from page 86, Living Water
This place, God, this town, that was once famous for its life-giving waters- let them flow once more. Through the streets, the bins, the gutters, the drains, on the beach, in people's houses, the shops. Let them flow once more. We stand for life in this place, activity not apathy, prayer not curse, celebration not mourning. (Zephaniah 3:16-17)
haha... i love reading your blog.
That really really made me laugh...my dog takes valium to calm her nerves...i'd hate to see her on e instead! ha!
I'm comin out in 3 and a half weeks...can't wait!
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