We have started to get a trickle of emails back from the UK, from people we have helped here are a few snippets:
From a young girl aged about 18 who we took back to her hotel after she lost her friends: "i was so drunk thank u so much 4 bringing me
back!! how r u doing???"
From a guy we found asleep one night: "Since you woke me up in san and spoke to me i dont know if its just make believe but some how i feel diffrent.....i asked you to do a pray for me and that was for happiness....i dont know what you did but i can`t stop laughing...i`m back in england now but wish i was still in ibiza...hope you keep up the good work and keep on smiling.....i just wish i had the bottle and the money to join you in the goodness you do....all the very best and still pray for my happiness...thanx to all."
From the mother of a guy who was out on hols and had seen us at work: "My son has just come back from Ibiza and he told me you went to help some girls who were not so good, and prayed and cared for them.. he was very impressed! He commented on how 'cool' you all were and I and my husband were so pleased he came across such a lovely bunch of Christians whilst he was away.. we will continue to pray for you out there in the thick of it... perhaps you could pray with us too for my son and his friends that one day soon they will be also on a 24-7 for Jesus... thank you so much.. and may the Lord continue to use and bless you all mightily, you are out there where it counts to reach this generation..."
From another girl who was in quite a muddle: "I was recently in ibiza and on the day before my birthday! i got my drink spiked in a bar, but I'm not sure because i can't remember! Everything I have learned about the incident is from the girl i was with. We had been out on a trip and was planning to go to a club after going to a few bars.I had been having a really good holiday until that night and it just made me realise the messed up people out there.I am so grateful for your team coming to help me and my friend get back to our hotel. This email is just to say how grateful I am because if you weren't there then i duno what would have happened, i just hope with people like you on the island the impact of such a stupid thing can be lessened."
Once again, we feel energized to keep going, it has been so kind of these people to take the time to send us a little email and encourage us.
You're in the right place: doing the right thing. Reda end of Jeremiah 31 today and one verse says even the disgusting places will be called sacred - made me think of you. Keep up the good work!
that is fantastic!! luv it!!
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