One of the coolest things about doing what we do is that we have teams who come out and serve for 2 weeks at a time,we have just had one team, they left on Friday night.A great bunch of guys and girls from Northern Ireland. They had a real heart to serve and didn't mind getting stuck in, they prayed, played and obeyed. I think they learnt stuff but they were definitely an encouragement to us as a team. They had such a good sense of humour and really enhanced my own Irish accent.
On the last day Michael and Jude 2 members of the team asked to be baptized so after chatting with Aidy their team leader we baptized them in our pool.

What a great way to finish a team.

I also had loads of time to hang out with Adrian Eagleson who is the national leader of 24-7 prayer in Ireland, which was also very encouraging and helpful.
The guys mad me homesick and I can't wait to get out to Ireland in the Autumn.
Team 2 arrives late tonight.....
I zoomed in on the photo. I feel a little uncomfortable with the way you are gazing at my brother!
thats weird Jon
way to go team ibiza! we are praying for lots of grace and strength as you host teams this summer. we love you lots!
~kelly & jo
There's always a cuppa tea for you at the Wiggy household in Lurgan in the Autumn!
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