It's been a while, sorry.
Just had one of those weeks where inspiration was lacking, not totally, just for blogging. I have done a new podcast, check it out, it's only 10 minutes long.
Been reading a bit, I have had 4 books dotted around the house and have nearly finished them all. The most enjoyable has been "Churchill, A life" by Martin Gilbert, this is the 3rd time I have read this book. It is much better than the version written by Roy Jenkins. Churchill is one of my heroes, he stood as a voice when no one else would listen and he led well in crisis, this book is a fascinating insight into the fluctuating fortunes of a man who thought he could do almost anything. Well written, concise, flowing text a great read for inspiration and historical information from specific perspective.
Someone left a book at ours called "The Beer Mat Entrepreneur" which is a good read makes starting a business and getting rich sound easy. I bet the guy who wrote it got rich selling the book on how to get rich. The short punchy chapters would make it easy to read on the toilet or an airplane, when day dreaming of riches.
Just finished Mao: The Unknown Story by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday, enjoyed this immensely. Longish book, quite detailed at times, another power hungry man, who craved international recognition, lots of similarities with Churchill : driven, ruthless, moody, merciless and paranoid. Churchill definitely had these traits, it is more to do with how both men worked them out, Mao represents the dark side of super heroes and Churchill represents the light side of super heroes . This is a slightly more dramatic text, gets a little over consumed with detail although I would imagine that with any book on the leader of such a vast country, detail could drown most authors, I think they both stay well afloat on this one, and probably the detail is more reflection on this reader than the authors. Very interesting read, well presented and informative.
Finally I am reading "Gerrard, My Autobiography" by Steven Gerrad let's be honest here it's not a great book however as a Liverpool fan I have found it fascinating and enjoyable as a literary work it is utter crap. I know that footballers speak a certain way, but for goodness sake some could have asked him not to put F**k and C**t in so much. Actually thinking it's not just utter crap it actually made me think less of the man. Not good.
Reading back, thats probably not the most in depth book review you'll ever have read.
Maybe I can get some from Churchill? Here are a few of his quotes:
"A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn't happen."
"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. "
"Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things. "
"I always avoid prophesying beforehand, because it is a much better policy to prophesy after the event has already taken place."
"I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me."
"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference"
I think as Christians this is where we can really make an impact. It is possible to be a Christian witness without even saying anything. So much of our own attitudes and behaviours can speak volumes before people even hear our voice.
Thanks for the book reviews. Two books that I am reading for work have been quite enjoyable: The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman & The Prepared Mind of a Leader by Bill Welter & Jean Egmon. As for the Christian genre, I haven’t had anything substantial in recent months. I’ve been recently working with guys coming out of porn addictions and I’ve had them read Frangipane’s book, This Day We Fight. It is a great book for those ensnared by the bondage of lust (or any kind of addiction) even though it isn’t intended to be exclusively for struggles with lust. Also I tried to find your email address on your Facebook, but you booted me off your friends’ list…sniff, sniff. *grin* Anyways I wanted to send you a copy of my testimony of sharing how God delivered me from lust, shame, and porn. Check it out at http://cause2impact.blogspot.com/2007/10/walk-in-fruit-of-purity.html
Brian I didn't boot you off my friends at facebook, I just gave up on it as I found it distracting, the blog is enough for me.
I read 'How a Friendship Changed History' last year. it looks at the relationship between lloyd george and churchill over the years and is a really nice piece of background reading if you're interested in Churchill. Lloyd George is much more my kind of hero though ;)
if i could remember who i leant my copy too i'd bring to spain with me :(
I read 'How a Friendship Changed History' which covers the relationship between David Lloyd George and Churchill. fascinating book if you're interested in Churchill. To be honest Lloyd George is much more my kind of guy.
if i can remember who has my copy i'll bring it to spain with me
I thought Stevie G's book was f***ing brilliant!
Anyways...I'm putting together a wee photo/music thing as part of our worship at TRUE (our missional youth thingy). It's just showing some frustrations about the world and people that are out there doing something about it. Was wondering if I could steal some photos from your blog that reflect the stuff that you're doing?
Also if you could record a wee 5-10 video that we could show some night that would be most excellent. I'll get Alain to follow-up on that one....I know how close you boys have become!!
Enjoyed the podcast mate, I can relate to it very well. You know me well so ull know that Im the exact same! Always seem to think the worst and expect things either not to happen or go wrong. Its just a cycle that I cant seem to get out of! Its just experience of previous things that have fallen through and therefore you automatically fear the worst for things. Went to an alpha course last night. I wrote a little about it on my blog. just think I'd like to maybe get involved in doing something for the younger side of Alpha. You'll see what i mean on my blog. Good to see your still on the old tabletennis. I miss it man. Im gonna practise and give u a competitive game when I come out this winter for a hol! Cheers
i love biographies. my fav is Abraham Lincoln by Benjamin P Thomas. another man who knew what he stood for and how to stand and lead in a crisis.
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