I bought a brand new pair of converse, exactly like the ones above, in a charity shop (thrift store) in England for £5.00, I love a bargain and it is amazing to walk into Oxfam and they have one pair sitting on a shelf, my heart beats faster and I walk out happy.
I also bought a nice Thomas Burberry shirt for £4.00, life is good.
My charity shop secret is "visit them regularly", I went 3 times in 7 days, just a quick browse. Also you need to develop hanger technique basically don't look at the clothes just flick along hangers looking at labels, this means you can go through the rails of a whole shop in 10 minutes. When you see a label you like; stop, check it out, if you like it keep hold and keep flicking. Don't take it and try it on there could be someone else in the shop who grabs a quality piece of kit from another rail whilst you are in the changing rooms. Go for classic labels or designer labels, not to be a poser but quality lasts and classic labels are timeless. If you're looking for a suit or an overcoat or something specific always ask if they have anything out the back, I did this last year and a little old lady brought me out a pure new wool Hugo Boss overcoat which I bought for £7.00.....
We have a difficult week ahead. You may or may not be aware but we had a couple with us for 2 years called Steve and Dawn they left to go back to England in November after giving us 2 wonderful years. This weekend our second couple leave Ben and Becky Edmonds will be driving back to the UK. Becky is pregnant and it will be much easier for her to have the baby back at home. They are going to be part of the Guildford Boiler room. Helen who is the other adult member of our team is still in Germany so it will just be Tracy myself and the boys for a while.
There is a sung with a line "Don't push me because I am close to the edge" I have had moments this week were I feel like that. We have lots of dreams and vision for the future, we do need a new building but without people this will be a very difficult time. We don't want to endlessly recruit from abroad but we do need a team of about 10 people to make this thing happen. There are few potential people in the pipeline we just have to wait and see what they decide.
It feels like we have been stripped back for a reason but I have these thoughts that make me feel like a failure, maybe I should write a book on team growth! I have questioned my leadership ability and the sustainability of what we are doing here. I am a leader and this work is sustainable I just have those moments of darkness.
We have been wrong to profile this place as a summer only project it's an all year round thing, with the right people we can do so much here in the winter as well as the summer.
The new building will propel us into a new day, but without people it won't work. I am also depressed because there are no good charity shops in Ibiza.
Browsing charity shops is one of my favourite hobbies too, Brian, I get all my clothes (bar underwear and shoes) from them. Consequently i am bedecked in a host of designer labels for pennies and they do last longer, it's true. No good charity shops? You'll have to start one and nab all the best stuff...
Dave would be so proud of this post, and of your Charity Shop find. Good work.
There really is a pattern in this kind of ministry (for lack of a better non-christianese word)in the ebb and flow, the huge highs and the painful lows of being a part of what God is doing on the island. Esepcially for you guys as a family as you are the only real solid core there. It's isolating and exhausting to carry the weight of that. The stripping back must mean that God wants you to make room for something...Dave and I whole heartedly believe in what you guys are doing, we pray for you and have faith that the new day for your team will peirce some serious darkness.
Keep going...don't fall off the edge, it's a long walk back up!
Hey Brian, thanks for allowing me to link to your blog, my friend and I have found your blog a steady encouragement towards Christ.
A little extra thanks as well, two years ago you spoke at a thing called Ultimate Intention in Derby. Throughout the weekend God continually challenged me through what you said and others to focus only on Him. I returned home and found God prompting me to sell my Playstation 2 (a tough blow) and stop seeing my girlfriend (obviously a slightly tougher) to make sure I had him as the first in my life and the one I gave my energy, thoughts and love to.
In some way that set me on the path to living here in Helsinki and serving God in this way, so cheers and be encouraged that God is totally using you even though you may not be able to see it.
be blessed and enjoy the sunshine!
Hey Brian!
You know I love you guys and I'd be there in a second if the Lord relesed me. (I even speak some rather pathetic Spanish!) I'll be praying for God to bring the right people to you...soon.
Maybe you should start your own charity shop. You could get donations from the hotels of all the things people leave behind. It's worth considering!
love the shoes.
love your leadership.
you are contagious.
reading your post... i can only imagine how difficult and at times challenging it would be to lead in a location that is a transient culture....
ya.. I think if it was me i would experience that same type of paradox too ...
Love the shoes!
I have a thought regarding your dilemma of the shortage of long-term workers. Why don’t you consider finding a bible school/institute that would allow their students to live on the island for a year to serve your ministry while they taking a few courses via the Internet? After they complete their schooling, they may sense a call within to stay long-term. Or another idea is simply to go to mission oriented schools to recruit workers for the work that you’re doing. I have some contacts at the school of world missions at Christ For the Nations where my wife and I met.
However it does happen, the Lord will bring you laborers!
Brian Francis Hume
'It's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how I keep from going under'
nice shoes! Yep - we drink lots of wine here as we are in the heart of Ontario wine country...which is pretty cool living with vineyards on each side!
Miss you buddy! Great to hear from you!
I see you're reading Orbiting the Giant Hairball. That's been a favorite of ours for some years since a friend recommended it. I don't hear of many people reading it but it's great, I think.
Well done on the shoes, BTW. Heather still loves the hat you bought her in the charity shop in Guilford.
Lisa it is one of my favourite books of all time I have given away 3 copies and reread it loads over the years.
Orville wright didn't have a pilots license, thats my favourite chapter.
ian "broken glass everywhere, people p**sing on the station they just don't care, can't take the small, can't take the noise....."
Sheena maybe I should start my own charity shop!!!
Chris I am sorry I made you sell your PS2 I have an Xbox360!
Thanks for the encouragement everyone.
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