Saturday, June 13, 2009

breaking the ground

This is a picture of me with my favourite piece of farm machinery, my rotavator!!!! It's a back breaker and a shoulder maker. This photo almost makes it look gentile but it's not!!!

In many ways this is what i feel happens when we pray, we break up the ground, we prepare the land, we clear the weeds, we make way for growth.

It's hard work and you have to keep at it, most weeds don't go away just by being dug over, you need to clear the roots, the same goes for prayer.

It's hard work and you have to keep at it, sometimes it's going well and you then hit the occasional rock which flings you about, but if you keep digging and preparing the ground eventually you will have a healthy fertile patch of land in which you can plant seed in. Then the rest is down to God although for a further analogy the seed won't grow if it's not watered and weeds aren't pulled up from around it. I guess I'm feeling that it's ok to sow seeds of prayer but we have to keep praying until the land bears fruit.

Breaking the ground is just the beginning.

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