Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Can't think of a title

Been a while

In all honesty I am pretty drained from being ill. You know that kind of tired mental state that you get in after you have been properly unwell, thats how I have felt this weekend and even today.

Our work is relentless and its almost like it drags you along with it, you don't get much time to catch your breath. One team left on Friday night and then a new team from Dublin arrived on Sunday, we have just had a great night out with them but it's very quiet on Mondays. Tiesto plays at privilege which is a huge club that can take over 10,000 people so a lot of people go there which kind of empties the west end. It's good for a teams first night to be quiet, it helps them settle in.

Anyway my brain is fired, for the first time in a long time I'm finding it hard to cope with the summer rhythm, but this only because of illness. Tracy has been a bit under the weather and both are sons have also got chicken pox!!! So we all will need a holiday soon.

We're going to N.Ireland for 2 weeks in August on hols, which should be excellent, it's hardly like we need a sunny destination we like the idea of a little cloud cover and hopefully we will get it in Ireland.

Got to get over this drained feeling and get through these next 3 weeks, actually I won't get through them I'll enjoy them as always, I've just been ill.

Watched Braveheart in bed last week, still love it as a movie

I am William Wallace. And my enemies
do not go away. I saw our good nobles
hanged. My wife... I am William
Wallace. And I see a whole army of
my countrymen, here in defiance of
tyranny. You have come to fight as
free men. And free men you are! What
will you do without freedom? Will you

Two thousand, against ten? We will
run -- and live!

Yes. Fight and you may die. Run and
you will live, at least awhile. And
dying in your bed many years from
now, would you be willing to trade
all the days from this day to that,
for one chance to come back here as
young men, and tell our enemies that
they make take our lives, but they
will never take our freedom!!!

1 comment:

shallowfrozenwater said...