Went to the beach today with the boys, Tracy, Bruce and Neil. When we were leaving we started to walk towards the car park which has a pine tree in the middle. Now you have to understand that Sundays is traditionally a family time in the afternoon at the beach. As we walked into the car park there was a woman straddling a tree with two guys taking photos and holding up lighting screens. She was naked and as we walked in we could see right up her anus. It was pretty grim.
My first thought was "oh well this is Ibiza" but then I just felt angry. Why should we have to have such a grim image burnt into our minds. So I walked right up to the photographer and told him what he was doing was disgusting , I was furious. They were germans and this definitely wasn't a fashion shoot because there were no clothes involved, basically it was porn.
I was just so angry, they kept doing what they were doing, I couldn't stop them and I had the family with me. I don't know why I am disturbed angry but I just don't like not having a choice. I hate women being turned purely into objects of lust. I know people will say it was her choice to be snapped and all that.
Anyway just angry with having to endure car park porn on my way home from the beach.
I would be fuming too, especially in front of my kids.
It just makes me mad that more and more inappropriate behaviour is becoming tolerated because less people challenge what is clearly not healthy.
I'm glad you expressed your feelings to the photographer. Even if it didn't stop them, it lets them know that it's not acceptable, and that's your choice to say.
Its a good anger Brian. Good for you. PG
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