Just had a great weekend in Belfast, the land of my birth, visiting friends, talking to groups and individuals, it was superb.
It was a sad time as well though, I guess because for us as a family Belfast was the happiest time of our lives. Had a few slightly melancholic moments in my head nothing that made me cry or anything like that, just a sadness at thoughts of what could have been. Not that I am a prisoner to my past, but I can't help but wonder some times if we had stayed where would I be now?
Although I guess a more optimistic outlook would be if we hadn't left I wouldn't be here. Which is probably a lot more positive.
I have this personal veiw that the Irish are slightly more hospitable, open and easy going than the English. I have nothing against English people I am married to one. I just think the Irish give you more food when you go to visit. English people quite often just have a cup of tea on it's own, I don't think I have ever had a cup of tea in Ireland without being offered copious amounts of biscuits.
Maybe thats why I struggle with my weight because my roots and heritage mean that I am programmed to eat more bicuits.
Brian, it was amazing to hear you on Sunday morning at CFC. I think you really touched a lot of people and I cannot wait to take your word forward through our cell group tonight. I have read more on the work of 24:7 in Ibiza this week and it is an fantastic mission. You made us laugh and made us think. Keep up the good work and come back soon!
As for the bisuits, I totally agree. A cup of tea in England is just that. Over here, it is a small meal...
hmmm..... i think i must be denying my irish roots as i have the same biscuit weight thing going on...........
tim you are definetly irish
big lad, it was great having you over, it's as well i am off the choclolate as you tucked into them rightly
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