Just spent the morning looking at furniture for our prayer room. Saw two great sofas one cream and soft the other black leather, personally I liked the black leather but the ladies thought it was to masculine. Is that sexist of them? Why do I like black leather? Why doesn't Ibiza have an Ikea? Whatever happened to Habitat? Why didn't I stay at home and walk the dog?, these were some of the questions ranging through my mind.
Although all in all it's great to have finally decorated our prayer room and office and be at the furnishing stage. We want to get it right, just put the minimum in and let the space evolve. The evolution of a prayer space. I like that sentence. So often we like to have a plan and everything ordered, with our mission here on this island we have a general idea of the direction we are heading in and are pretty certain about our core values, the rest will evolve.
Next thought I have had is; are we a boiler room?, I know you think I should have this sorted, but in my head I feel we need to become a boiler community first, a community of prayer, mission and justice. The building or room is a secondary issue but now we have one maybe we are becoming a boiler room?, we set some regular spots for prayer last night so we know we will pray at 6 set times a week, the rest will still be open for prayer. Soon we will kick off with a 24-7prayer week, excellent. Of course we still meet every Wednesday night and eat together every other Sunday. It all feels good.
I like how things are evolving.
Over the weekend I am going to try and manipulate the team and enrol them all into the idea of a black leather sofa, I will dig my heels in over the other one, I have a few thoughts that will help this strategy, or should I just let it be and stop tinkering with evolution......
you always were a good manipulator brian. me thinks you might just get your black couch. hope you are all doing well.
miss you
you always were a good manipulator brian. me thinks you might just get your black couch. hope you are all doing well.
miss you
Thanks Clare
Miss you too, hope you are well, I have decided to let it evolve but there were some soft furnishing developments last night which are definetly pushing us in a black leather direction, not of my doing but the "maison de elephant" outlet store has shaped our future.
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