Just got in at 4am, been out on the streets it's definitely quieter. Tonight we helped a guy who had taken to many ecstasy tablets and drank to much vodka, he was in a real state. The problem is you get loads of really helpful drunk people crowding around trying to help. So I had to step in and take a bit of control, primarily it was just about getting him into the recovery position, keeping his airways clear and checking he still had a pulse until the ambulance arrived. Someone bought me some new jeans this week and I thought i would wear them tonight, bad move, they now have puke on the knees. The other funny thing was that whilst I knelt with this guy his two very concerned friends managed to chat up two girls and once the ambulance took him, they all hooked up, got a taxi and went to the hospital together, sounds like a romantic evening!
We finished off and drove home on our way we saw a guy who looked lost, he told us he could remember coming out of a bar 5 hours previously, and then the next thing was he woke up asleep on the bonnet of a car with no shoes and no wallet... we gave him a lift back to his hotel, even though he had had his money stolen he still tried to give us all his loose change, we didn't take it.
Had great time in England and Ireland, first I was with some friends and speaking at Thurrock Christian Fellowship a great church and worth a visit if you are ever in Essex, Russell Godward who leads it is one of the most down to earth leaders I know. I stayed with my friends, Robb, Sally, Simeon, Ellis and Christie who have been instrumental in setting up a boiler room, they would love you to pop in and visit some time, it's a great place to go and pray and you can also stay over if you check in advance, the beds are very comfortable, check it out East London Boiler Room after a lovely lunch I then flew to Ireland to hang out with Alain Emerson (please keep Alain in your prayers) and do some work with 24-7 Ireland, it's cool we are just bringing some recognition and definition to all that has been happening through 24-7 prayer in Ireland over the last 7 years. It's time for it to become an independent entity with regional focus and impetus from people on the ground in both the North and South of Ireland.
I also got to meet Neil Harrison and a few other new and old friends at Alains, it was great to sit out in the hot tub and chat.
I also spent some time with my friend Stevie he also has a hot tub, I like hot tubs. If you want to buy one I know someone who could get you a good deal....
I also got a lift in one of these

It was frightening but brilliant at the same time, I never knew you could go round bends at 75 MPH with such ease.
I got home at midnight last night had a very chilled out day today and then a good night out on the street.
It's good to be back, this place feels like home.
good to meet you too Brian! By the sound of things you are straight back to normality in Ibiza! Will be praying for you and the work there.
probably because you're not supposed to ... go round bends at 75mph at ease!
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