Thursday, January 24, 2008

Apples are of the Lord

I just had my first serious bout of computer covetous-ness; I want a Macbook air........

Why do the advertisers do this to us? I was happy, satisfied, content and one could almost say  "in love" with my old ibook.

But now, like David viewing Beersheba from his balcony, I have glimpsed the future and she is a macbook air, this sensually curved air mac is seducing me, teasing me, causing me to have strange longings. Hopefully I won't have to kill anyones husband to get my hands on this beautiful slim model!

I feel unfaithful to my old ibook even as I type this.....


Anonymous said...

that's what living in Ibiza, den of inequity, does to you!!

Anonymous said...

They are amazing. The most beautful product Apple have managed to make.

Anonymous said...

They're just so sexy, I know.

Anonymous said...

ye ye, just remember its only coveting if its somebody elses ( fair point that some people may have one, but do u know great success no sin Yet

keep well

alamedero said...

I wouldn't get one. They are officially the slowest computer Apple make.

You'd be richer and better off with a MacBook.

Jonah's rule #1 - never buy first generation technology. Wait until they get it right.