Monday, December 06, 2010

life Transformation Group part 3

Life transformation groups was a boring blog series, I've scrapped it. Not doing the group just writing about it.

Hope you like the photo of me with my serrano?

Here are all the questions we ask each other every week to keep us focussed and growing as disciples:

Love God (live a life worthy of your calling)

1.Am I receiving God’s love for me and growing stronger in my relationship and obedience to Him? Am I daily seeking and listening to Jesus, intentionally spending time with Him, and involving Him in every aspect of my life?

(Different ways on different days)

Love One Another

2. Have I loved, served and preferred others above myself, specifically those closest to me? How can I grow in this? Have I withheld forgiveness, remained frustrated or damaged another person with my words?

Love The World

3. Am I taking opportunities to share Jesus and reproducing my life in others through making disciples? Am I praying for and remembering the sick, hurting and needy? Am I informed about global issues and seeking to advance God’s Kingdom in the nations of the earth.

Integrity Questions:

4. Strongholds and Patterns: Am I pursuing freedom from destructive patterns, strongholds and hopeless areas in my life? Explain.

5. Sexuality: Am I honoring God with my sexuality? Have I lusted after anyone and not valued God’s image in them? Have I exposed myself to sexually alluring material or allowed my mind to dwell on inappropriate thoughts?

6. Money: Am I being a faithful and generous steward of my (God’s) money and possessions? Am I worrying about or being controlled by a love for money or materialism, instead of trusting God?

Bible Reading and Prayer Questions:

7. Did I do my Bible Reading this week? (30 Chapters)

8. Did I have a daily personal rhythm of prayer this week?

9. Did I faithfully and regularly pray by Name for at least 3 people who are not yet in a relationship with Jesus?

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