Tuesday, September 27, 2011


For safety reasons we keep two log books with regards to our work here, one is for people we help with the Vomit Van the other is for people we walk home or wheelchair home without the van.

Becky on our team compiled all these statistic for me yesterday.

The number of incidents involving the Vomit van over the previous 20 weeks has been 249 this has involved helping 409 people!

The total number of incident without the van has been 234 involving 287 people!

Total number of incidents 20 week period was 483 for the more statistically minded thats an average 24.2 incidents per week involving 696 people at an average of 34.8 people per week.

Someone once said you can make statistics say whatever you want, not sure how true that is. It does show us one thing that is San Antonio is a great place to come on holiday and there are far more people who don't end up in a mess than do.

It also shows me that we need to be there, we are not 24-7 vomit we are 24-7 prayer but we are still involved with a lot of vomit. 

One of the interesting things is we have prayed with more people this year than any previous year, our prayer wall is full, and the level  of conversation and connection on the street has been phenomenal.

All of this and we still have a month left.

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